Classes designed to get you results, focusing on happiness, positivity, and feeling FABULOUS! Get your first class for £4.99!

Interested in booking a 1-1 lesson? Visit Here

What’s Playback / On-Demand? It’s a portal where you can gain access to Dance & Dance Fitness Classes that have been recorded for you to take part in when it suits you. Accessible 24hrs a day 7 days a week. Find out more Here


Final classes

Tuesday 13 December

Wednesday 14 December


Back Tuesday 3 January 2023

Book a Class Below

Classes run Worldwide Online and on Playback / On-Demand

Studio classes are held in Colchester, Essex

(signing up takes 1 minute to complete)

Choose the date and the class you would like to attend, whether it’s in person or online, your First Class FREE